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Veteran’s Day 2010

Rick Townley

Every now and then we like to interrupt the humor and post a serious message relevant to a particular day or holiday. Today is Veterans Day, originally declared a federal holiday to commemorate the formal end of World War I with the signing of the Armistice by Germany. That treaty, by the way, was signed on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918. The holiday was called Amistice Day until the early 1950’s when it was expanded to include all veterans, not just those who served in the Great War.

Today it’s not considered much of a holiday. Federal offices and some schools are closed, but businesses continue on like any other day. Aside from some flag raising ceremonies and a parade here and there (New York City still has a large parade on 5th Avenue) the day is largely ignored. In some circles, showing patriotism is considered “uncool” and even “insulting” to outsiders. But regardless of your political leaning, it’s important to remember the men and women who sacrificed everything so we could have the freedom and safety to conduct business as usual.

So here is to all the brave men and women of the armed forces, past and present:

A hearty “thank-you” from the entire nation for your hard work and sacrifice. Without you, this country would not be what it is today and we owe you a great debt. Perhaps the best way to repay that debt is for all citizens to pull together as one and keep alive the spirit of freedom that you paid for with your lives.

A moment of silence, please…



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